


本网站的这一部分旨在为您提供有关申请流程的清晰和完整的描述. 申请私立学校似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但我们在这里提供帮助.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email our office (admission@dingoleescatch.com) or give us a call at (978 448 7510).

At this point, we do not have any openings for entry in the fall of 2024.  If you would like to be considered in the unlikely event that an opening develops, you may apply for a position on our waiting list. Late applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  

If you would like to visit the school this spring or summer, we have group tours available which you may 在这里注册. 如果你对今年夏天的面试感兴趣,请参阅下面的信息.
Most of our interviews take place on campus 和 are preceded by a student-led tour.  想要申请2025-26学年入学的学生最早可以在今年夏天通过填写一份表格来安排校园面试 调查形式 和 then calling the admission office (978-448-7510) to make an appointment.  秋季和冬季的校园面试可以在7月下旬开始在线安排. 

Applications for enrollment in the fall of 2025 are due on January 15, 2025.  申请费是50美元.  如果您的财务状况使您难以支付这笔费用,请给我们发电子邮件或给我们打电话.

Applications that arrive after the deadline will still be considered, 但我们不能保证我们会在3月10日的共同决定截止日期之前做出决定, 2025.


  • 查询表格

    完成我们的 调查形式 加入我们的邮件列表,了解您所在地区可能发生的事件.  您提供的信息将帮助我们将您与与您有共同兴趣的易胜博app安卓下载人联系起来.

  • 1. 候选人简介

    候选人简介为入学候选人提供了一种方便的方式,通过单一表格向50多所学校提供个人资料. You may access the 候选人简介 online by visiting the 进入预科学校,一个网上申请系统. If you are applying for entry in the 2025-26 school year, the 候选人简介 will not be available until later this summer.
  • 2. 校园参观及面试

    那些想在面试前了解易胜博app安卓下载的人可能更喜欢学生带领的团体旅游. The group tour is capped at twelve families, 和 it is followed by a question 和 answer session with an admission counselor.  To register for a group tour, please click 在这里.

    Most of our interviews take place on campus 和 are preceded by a student-led tour.  想要申请2025-26学年入学的学生最早可以在今年夏天通过填写一份表格来安排校园面试 调查形式 和 then calling the admission office (978-448-7510) to make an appointment.  秋季和冬季的校园面试可以在8月下旬开始在线安排. 

    The remote interview is conducted via video chat. 我们提供远程面试,是因为易胜博app安卓下载认识到,有各种各样的原因,可能会导致入学候选人无法前往我们的校园.  Preference is given to families living outside of New Engl和. Remote interview opportunities will become available starting in late June. If you are certain that you will not be visiting campus during the year ahead, we strongly encourage you to interview remotely this summer.  在学年期间, 远程面试的机会有限,需要提交候选人简介和简历, 在某些情况下, testing demonstrating proficiency in English.

    You can help us get to know you by submitting a video introduction of yourself.  我们更喜欢简单陈述您的兴趣和愿望的视频介绍,而不是经过大量排练或编辑的演示文稿.  Its length should not exceed five minutes.  It is perfectly acceptable to send us a "selfie-style" video recorded on a phone! A video introduction can serve as an alternative to an interview.

    请点击 在这里 分享你的视频介绍.
  • 3. 标准化考试

    易胜博app安卓下载 requires applicants to submit st和ardized 测试结果.  在2021年和2022年进入, this requirement was suspended because of health concerns at testing sites.  标准化考试成绩是帮助招生办公室决定一所学校是否适合申请人的众多因素之一.  成绩单, 建议, 测试结果, 和 the 候选人的声明 are all important in assessing an application.  

    Without 测试结果, great applicants may be overlooked.  When admission counselors are unfamiliar with an applicant's school, 测试结果 help to contextualize an application.  考试帮助我们实现我们的主要目标之一:招收多元化和有才华的学生.   Some see st和ardized testing as a barrier preventing access to a great education.  我们认为考试是克服不完整推荐和分数膨胀等障碍的一种手段.  标准化考试帮助来自不同背景的申请人成为易胜博app安卓下载的学生.

    多年来, 大多数被录取的申请人都提交了相当高的考试成绩, but this is certainly not true for everyone.  考试成绩是根据每个申请人的教育背景来评估的.  They are only one of many factors considered in an application to Groton.

    招生管理协会为学校提供SSAT费用减免.  Groton issues fee waivers to applicants who complete a 候选人简介, 和 request a fee waiver via email (addressed to admission@dingoleescatch.com).  Household income for the previous year should be stated in the request.  如收入符合学籍管理协会(ttp: / / www.ssat.org/about/fee-waiver-program),便可获豁免收费.  The number of waivers provided to each school is limited.  

    The SSAT is the exam we prefer, but you may take the ISEE. For more information on testing dates 和 sites, visit www.ssat.orgwww.erblearn.org/families/isee-by-erb/. 当你注册SSAT(3598)或ISEE(220930)时,一定要列出易胜博app安卓下载的代码. We can only accept scores directly from the testing services. The November or December test dates are preferable; the January date is acceptable. Students applying for 2nd Form (8th grade) may take the middle or upper level SSAT. 申请五年级(11年级)的学生可以提交PSAT、SAT或ACT的考试成绩. 

    If English is not your native language, 并且你在过去两年没有在以英语为主要教学语言的学校学习, you should also take an English language proficiency test. 我们接受 Duolingo测试托福、新托福和雅思. 被易胜博app安卓下载大学录取的国际学生的托福网考成绩一般在100分以上.5 on the IELTS, 和 125 on the Duolingo English Test.

    Ssat - 3598
    Isee - 220930
    托福- 8224
  • 4. 建议

    易胜博app安卓下载大学的申请者使用“预科学校门户”网站在线申请推荐表格. 要访问 网关 recommendation system you must submit the 候选人简介. 通过网关系统在线完成推荐对您和您的老师来说是一个简单而安全的过程. Your first step is to ask people if they will recommend you. If they agree, ask them for their email addresses. 然后,您将在网关应用程序的推荐部分输入这些地址,以便您的推荐人将通过电子邮件收到表单. We advise recommenders to print copies of their 建议 before submission.

    Recommendation forms will be available in October.
  • 5. 完成申请

    要完成申请,您必须在2025年1月15日之前将所有表格提交给招生办公室. 易胜博app安卓下载使用 进入预科学校,一个网上申请系统. 通过社区组织提交的申请除外, 易胜博app安卓下载大学的申请必须通过网关申请系统以电子方式提交. Samples of these forms can be found below. You can access the 网关 platform 和 all the forms 在这里.
    • 候选人简介 - should be submitted to initiate the application process.
    • 候选人的声明
    • 父母声明
    • 校长/顾问建议
    • 本学年成绩报告以前的成绩  -没有成绩单(包括本学年第一个评分期的成绩和过去两个学年的成绩)的申请不能被认为是完整的.
    • Current English Teacher Recommendation
    • 当前数学教师推荐
    • 个人的建议 - The 特别兴趣建议 may be used in place of, 或者除了, 个人推荐.
    • 特别兴趣建议 - The 个人的建议 may be used in place of, 或者除了, the 特别兴趣建议.
    • 分级写作样例 - We prefer non-fiction papers written during the current school year. Papers should be written in English.
    • 考试成绩报告
    • Multimedia 和 Additional Documents (voluntary) - You may provide links to athletic or musical performances, 艺术作品, or any other supplemental information through your 应用门户. We do not accept original 艺术作品, CDs, or DVDs. 不要因为等待多媒体准备而延迟提交您的候选人资料. 在“附加信息”部分,请注明稍后将提供链接. You may also upload other documents 在这里.  请注意,我们强烈希望直接收到学校的成绩报告. 请不要将多媒体和其他文件通过电子邮件发送给招生团队成员.
    • 申请经济资助 - Only for Families Seeking Financial Assistance.  截止日期为2025年1月15日.
    The School reserves the right to request additional information, including complete files from schools attended. 

    If your financial circumstances make it difficult to pay the application fee, 请致电978-448-7510.
易胜博app安卓下载 is proud to partner with organizations such as A Better Chance, 灯塔学院, 为准备而准备, 怀特基金会, 启发年轻人的思想, 和新泽西种子. 像这样的以社区为基础的组织以低收入背景的学生为目标,指导他们完成申请过程.
问题? 易胜博app安卓下载:978-448-7510或 admission@dingoleescatch.com.