Global awareness matters more than ever, our mission is to help Groton students become caring, 道德, knowledgeable citizens of the world.
At Groton, global education is:
a vigorous program of experiential learning
a geographically and 文化ly diverse profile of experiences
integrated with curriculum whenever possible
accessible to all students
Traveling groups become a mutually reliant team, learning together and sharing the experience with local hosts. The experience aims to rise above intellectual, 艺术, 服务, or athletic purposes: at its core, it teaches students to exercise good judgment, 重视正义, to share with other communities.
易胜博app安卓下载的全球教育机会(GEOs)帮助学生了解文化, 社会经济, political disparities throughout the world. The communities visited are not backdrops to the student experience, but rather full partners in our endeavors.
Groton Program for Inter文化 Exchange (G-PIE)
G-PIE为来自世界各地的高中生和教育工作者提供了一个聚在一起,相互学习和合作的机会. 从主题演讲到社会问题的讨论和文化表演, the 2023 conference was guided by the themes of 文化, 水, 人工智能与技术.
Groton takes students to the Sacred Valley of 秘鲁, the heartland of the Inca civilization, 夏天的几个星期. 学生们住在被认为是印加最后一座城镇的奥扬坦博镇的家庭里. In the center of town is the remarkable Sun Temple, built with stonework considered second to none, including that of Machu Picchu. Everybody’s Spanish improves, 一些学生甚至带回了数量惊人的克丘亚语单词和短语, still spoken in Ollantaytambo. 这次旅行的亮点是花时间与寄宿家庭——学生们与他们的家人越来越亲密,经常把他们视为他们在世界遥远的另一个家庭.
Students participate in afternoon activities in the community, such as teaching young children art, 音乐, 跳舞, 和体育. GEO期间, students also visit Machu Picchu, the Incan capital of Cusco, take some breathtaking hikes. The program ends with a day in Cusco, 印加人的首都, 在哪里,学生们可以亲眼看到两种不同文明交汇的历史遗迹, the Conquistadors and the Incas.
易胜博app安卓下载与奥基斯瓦中学建立了伙伴关系, in the Monduli Hills of Northern 坦桑尼亚. During the three-week program, 易胜博app安卓下载的学生沉浸在马赛文化中,并与坦桑尼亚高中生建立了持久的友谊. 易胜博app安卓下载的学生与奥基斯瓦社区的学生一起学习和玩耍, 老师, parents—through projects, 类, 游戏, Swahili language immersion. 学生可以在附近的博马寄宿家庭,体验奥克威萨学生的生活. 易胜博app安卓下载领导鼓励学生专注于领导力、全球问题和个人反思.
在印度, 易胜博app安卓下载的学生们踏上了探索古代和现代文明的旅程, 与教育, 文化, 历史, 精神元素. Students are exposed to lives of great 印度ns like the Buddha, 皇帝阿育王, 摩诃毗罗, 大师Nanak, 皇帝阿克巴, 圣雄甘地, 和泰戈尔. The journey begins in Delhi, moves to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, continues to Varanasi, a great center of religion, before settling for about a week in Dehradun, where we are hosted by The Doon School and Welham Girls School.
参与者探索很少有游客参观的地区,并了解印度多方面生活的一些结构和微妙之处. We visit villages and cities, take a boat ride on the Ganges, 品尝不同的美食, 参观学校和家庭, 在当地市场购物. 我们参观博物馆, 纪念碑, 和圣地, we experience 印度n art through sculpture, 跳舞, 绘画, 和音乐. 学生们有机会结识来自各行各业的男女, from the powerful to the dispossessed, 部落到公司, 从工匠到学者. The outer journey informs the inner journey, 通过教导, 注意实践, 自我反省, 日志记录, 和讨论.
易胜博app安卓下载的印度全球教育机会(GEO)每隔一年举办一次, alternating with the GEO to 中国.
在中国, students visit the mid-sized city of Chengde, nestled in a beautiful valley a few hours northeast of Beijing. Students stay at Chengde #3 Middle School, 他们去上课的地方, practice Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting, learn Mongolian and Manchurian 跳舞, 和他们的中国同龄人一起出去玩,同时探索周围的环境,享受周末的家庭住宿.
在大多数早晨, students visit the Zhongyingzi Primary School, in an economically undeveloped area on the outskirts of Chengde, where they teach English and help with manual labor. 易胜博app安卓下载的学生还参观了长城,并花时间探索北京.
The 易胜博app安卓下载 中国 GEO immerses students in Chinese society; it is ideal for students who wish to improve their Mandarin or learn about one the world’s greatest civilizations.
易胜博app安卓下载的中国全球教育机会(GEO)每隔一年举办一次, alternating with the GEO to 印度.
Bonjour et en route pour la 法国! 易胜博app安卓下载在法国的GEO(全球教育机会)是法语学习者体验法国文化和语言的绝佳机会. A combination of enriching excursions and home life experience, the GEO begins in the city of 昂热, in the 历史ly rich Loire Valley, where students are hosted by French families of the Lycée Saint Martin. 上午包括课程, 下午参观景点和城市(如卢瓦尔堡堡), 昂热, 和索米尔白葡萄酒). At the end of the first week, we travel to Paris for four days, staying in a centrally located hotel, 在卢浮宫和卡尼尔之间——一个完美的地方,在街上闲逛,感觉像一个巴黎人. 参观景点和纪念碑与当地人喜欢的活动相结合. And you can count on delicious foods, bien sûr!
易胜博app安卓下载的法国全球教育机会(GEO)每隔一年举办一次, alternating with the GEO to Italy.
在希腊, students explore a land and people famous for their rich history, 文化, 和神话故事, 他的杰出思想和对人类成就的深远贡献激励了无数人的心灵和思想.
学生体验希腊,民主、戏剧和奥运会的诞生地. 他们参观了宫殿,据说代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯就是从那里逃跑的. They gaze upon the golden mask of King Agamemnon, walk through the Lion Gate, 考察古代迈锡尼, feel the effect of Apollo’s inspiration at Delphi. Students walk in the footsteps of Solon, 苏格拉底, 伯里克利, 和索福克勒斯, 发现希腊, the consummate inventor of heroes (not to mention, 陀螺仪). It is an unforgettable adventure.
在意大利, 学生们可以近距离接触一些最著名和最受欢迎的古罗马世界景点. 维苏威火山, 庞贝古城, 卡普里, Cumae, 罗马圆形大剧场, 帕拉廷山, 罗马广场, the Capitoline Museum and Campidoglio, the Campus Martius (Pantheon, 佛, 庞培剧院, 宽广的阿根廷), 圣克莱门特, 大马戏团, 卡拉卡拉浴场, 亚洲古道, 贺拉斯的别墅, 波勒兹别墅, 西班牙广场, 人民广场, St. 圣彼得大教堂,梵蒂冈博物馆,以及其他具有历史和文化意义的地方.
GEO旨在通过整合相关历史和文学的重点而轻松的课程,超越普通的罗马观光常规, enriching and contextualizing each experience. Excursions include an informative lecture and discussion, coupled with readings tailored to each site. 学生们也有时间去发现著名的罗马社区的美丽和活力,然后每天晚上聚集在一起吃家庭式晚餐. The focus is on the ancient Roman world, 但是讲座, 对话, 和漫步提供了机会来调查这一奇妙文化的遗产,并欣赏现代罗马的无数魅力和魅力. GEO对所有易胜博app安卓下载学生开放,而不仅仅是那些正在学习拉丁语的学生.
Groton’s tradition of international 音乐 travel began in 2005, when the school’s jazz ensemble, 灵魂酱, took a 音乐al tour to Japan. 从那时起, destinations have included Switzerland (Orchestra), 巴西、阿根廷(合唱), 澳大利亚(爵士乐团), 中国(乐队), Italy/Switzerland (Jazz Ensemble), 南非(管弦乐团), the United Kingdom (Choir), 古巴(爵士乐团), Prague/Vienna/Budapest (Orchestra), 中国(爵士乐团), 西班牙(管弦乐团).
易胜博app安卓下载的音乐全球教育机会(GEOs)为学生提供了在著名场所表演的机会, 参加大师班, 执行服务, experience 文化 exchanges and exposure to non-Western 音乐.
学生音乐家在广岛的养老院为原子弹爆炸幸存者演奏,也在中国偏远的农村演奏, 室内乐团在哪里真正认识到音乐是一种通用语言. 在南非, Groton 音乐ians performed six times in twelve days, watched a rehearsal of the Cape Town Philharmonic, 学会了演奏djembe, practiced 跳舞 steps with Drum Café of Cape Town. Groton 音乐ians have jammed with jazz artists in Cuba, choir members have sung with choral counterparts in South America.
Groton occasionally offers international experiences for sports teams. 最近有机会将男孩足球队带到英国,男孩和女孩壁球队到南非. 体育真命天子 focus on both 文化 enrichment and athletic competition.