

请注意:易胜博app安卓下载不会在脸谱网上发布职位空缺. 那些看似来自学校的帖子应该被认为是欺诈.
在易胜博app安卓下载工作 School means entering a close community that is dedicated to nurturing students in grades eight through 12 and preparing them, 作为学院的创始人. 恩迪科特·皮博迪说,为“积极的生活工作”.” 易胜博app安卓下载 provides competitive salaries and an appealing benefit pack年龄 to a diverse workforce of 教师 and 工作人员.



  • 数学老师

    易胜博app安卓下载正在招聘一名全职数学教师. Responsibilities will include teaching four courses of math in collaboration with other experienced members of the department. Faculty members are also expected to contribute to the extracurricular life of the school and share some dormitory and residential school responsibilities. 资格, 因此, include a demonstrated interest in coaching or coordinating extracurricular activities and a willingness to fulfill evening and weekend duties.

    为教师提供宿舍, 在学校食堂用餐, 公用事业公司, (电话除外)和医疗保险.

    成立于1884年, 易胜博app安卓下载是一个致力于激发个性生活的多元化社区, 学习, 领导, 和服务. Three hundred eighty students in grades eight through twelve benefit from the guidance of more than ninety 教师 members who live on a bucolic New England campus with world-class facilities, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, 麻萨诸塞州.
    易胜博app安卓下载 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and seeks employees who reflect and support our mission-driven commitment to a diverse school community. The school complies with all government regulations regarding non-discriminating employment practices and, 除此之外, 提供一种氛围,确保所有人都有机会凭借自己的能力取得成功, 资格, 和能力. 易胜博app安卓下载在就业机会或实践中不基于种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, 包括选择, 工作任务, 补偿, 纪律, 终止, 以及获得福利和培训的机会.
    感兴趣的应聘者应将简历和意向书发送至 candidates@dingoleescatch.com.
  • 化学的

    易胜博app安卓下载将于2024年9月招聘一名化学助教. The teaching fellow will teach two courses of introductory chemistry in collaboration with experienced members of the department.
    Faculty members are also expected to contribute to the extracurricular life of the school and share some dormitory and residential school responsibilities. 资格, 因此, include a demonstrated interest in coaching or coordinating extracurricular activities and a willingness to fulfill evening and weekend duties.
    为教师提供宿舍, 在学校食堂用餐, 水电费(电话费除外), 还有医疗保险.

    请注意, 聘用前, 被选中的候选人将被要求提交COVID-19疫苗接种证明.
    成立于1884年, 易胜博app安卓下载是一个致力于激发个性生活的多元化社区, 奖学金, 领导, 和服务.  Three hundred eighty students in grades eight through twelve benefit from the guidance of more than ninety 教师 members who live on a bucolic New England campus with world-class facilities, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, 麻萨诸塞州.
    易胜博app安卓下载 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and seeks employees who reflect and support our mission-driven commitment to a diverse school community. The school complies with all government regulations regarding non-discriminating employment practices and, 除此之外, 提供一种氛围,确保所有人都有机会凭借自己的能力取得成功, 资格, 和能力. 易胜博app安卓下载在就业机会或实践中不基于种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, 包括选择, 工作任务, 补偿, 纪律, 终止, 以及获得福利和培训的机会.
    感兴趣的应聘者应将简历和意向书发送至 fellows@dingoleescatch.com

  • 数学的

    易胜博app安卓下载正在招聘一名数学助教. The teaching fellow will teach two courses with the guidance of experienced members of the department. 感兴趣的候选人应该有一个B.A. 或B.S. 在数学方面有一定的优势,并愿意在更高的水平上教书, 包括AP微积分BC或多元微积分. 有编程经验者优先,但不是必需的.
    Faculty members are also expected to contribute to the extracurricular life of the school and share some dormitory and residential school responsibilities. 资格, 因此, include a demonstrated interest in coaching or coordinating extracurricular activities and a willingness to fulfill evening and weekend duties.
    为教师提供宿舍, 在学校食堂用餐, 水电费(电话费除外), 还有医疗保险.

    请注意, 聘用前, 被选中的候选人将被要求提交COVID-19疫苗接种证明.
    成立于1884年, 易胜博app安卓下载是一个致力于激发个性生活的多元化社区, 奖学金, 领导, 和服务.  Three hundred eighty students in grades eight through twelve benefit from the guidance of more than ninety 教师 members who live on a bucolic New England campus with world-class facilities, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, 麻萨诸塞州.
    易胜博app安卓下载 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and seeks employees who reflect and support our mission-driven commitment to a diverse school community. The school complies with all government regulations regarding non-discriminating employment practices and, 除此之外, 提供一种氛围,确保所有人都有机会凭借自己的能力取得成功, 资格, 和能力. 易胜博app安卓下载在就业机会或实践中不基于种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, 包括选择, 工作任务, 补偿, 纪律, 终止, 以及获得福利和培训的机会.
    感兴趣的应聘者应将简历和意向书发送至 candidates@dingoleescatch.com.
  • 物理老师

    易胜博app安卓下载招聘一名全职物理教师, 教师职位, 2024年9月开始. Responsibilities will include teaching four courses in physics in collaboration with other experienced members of the department. 理想的候选人应具有高中物理教学经验. 有制造实验室或创客空间教学经验者优先.

    Faculty members are also expected to contribute to the extracurricular life of the school and share some dormitory and residential school responsibilities. 资格, 因此, include a demonstrated interest in coaching or coordinating extracurricular activities and a willingness to fulfill evening and weekend duties.
    为教师提供宿舍, 在学校食堂用餐, 水电费(电话费除外), 还有医疗保险.

    请注意, 聘用前, 被选中的候选人将被要求提交COVID-19疫苗接种证明.
    成立于1884年, 易胜博app安卓下载是一个致力于激发个性生活的多元化社区, 奖学金, 领导, 和服务.  Three hundred eighty students in grades eight through twelve benefit from the guidance of more than ninety 教师 members who live on a bucolic New England campus with world-class facilities, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, 麻萨诸塞州.
    易胜博app安卓下载 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and seeks employees who reflect and support our mission-driven commitment to a diverse school community. The school complies with all government regulations regarding non-discriminating employment practices and, 除此之外, 提供一种氛围,确保所有人都有机会凭借自己的能力取得成功, 资格, 和能力. 易胜博app安卓下载在就业机会或实践中不基于种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, 包括选择, 工作任务, 补偿, 纪律, 终止, 以及获得福利和培训的机会.
    感兴趣的应聘者应将简历和意向书发送至 candidates@dingoleescatch.com.



  • 查尔斯C. 亚历山大教学研究员计划

    易胜博app安卓下载, 易胜博app安卓下载的一所男女同校的寄宿学校, 麻萨诸塞州, 欢迎申请人到查尔斯C. 亚历山大教学研究员计划. This program serves recent college graduates interested in working under supervision to develop the varied skills required of secondary boarding school teachers. 该项目提供了尽可能广泛的接触寄宿易胜博app安卓下载的各个方面.

    The teaching fellow's responsibilities will include teaching two classes under the supervision of an experienced member of the department as well as observation of other classes. 对研究员开放的领域是英语, 历史, 数学, 经典, 法国, 西班牙语, 中国人, 生物学, 化学, 物理, 宗教, 和艺术(不是艺术史), 但是每年有空缺的部门都不一样. 空缺职位将在本页列出. 研究员还会在至少两个赛季(最好是三个赛季)的时间里帮助指导田径运动, assist in dormitory supervision one or two evenings per week and every fourth Saturday evening (or as needed), 并参与与他们的兴趣和才能相称的易胜博app安卓下载的其他领域.

    助教的任命是一年带薪的职位. 还提供生活区, 在学校食堂用餐, 以及所有的公用事业, 除了电话. 提供医疗保险, 受助人为所选择的计划支付保费的一小部分.

    我们接受2024 - 25学年的申请,截止日期为2024年1月10日.

    College seniors and recent graduates interested in applying for the Fellows program should submit a cover letter; a resume indicating education, 以前的就业, 利益, and athletic experience; a copy of their college transcript; and three letters of recommendation to the 查尔斯C. 亚历山大教学研究员计划,易胜博app安卓下载,282农民行,易胜博app安卓下载,MA 01450. 问题可以直接问她. 丽塔·拉莉,电话978-448-7502 fellows@dingoleescatch.com.



  • 女子大学曲棍球队主教练

    易胜博app安卓下载 is seeking a Head Coach for its Girls Varsity Field Hockey program for the 2024 Fall Term (early September to late November). 这个职位每周最多工作20小时, 星期一至星期六, 向体育主管汇报工作.

    职责包括但不限于:监督曲棍球项目, 进行实践, 激励学生, 指导学生运动员的比赛策略和技术, 与体育部沟通并监督日常后勤工作.

    The successful candidate will be someone with a strong Field Hockey background who enjoys working with a diverse group of high school students.


    • 指导球员的比赛技术.
    • 组织和指导个人和小组实践活动.
    • 评估球员的技术,并在比赛和训练中监督球员.
    • 决定博弈策略.
    • 在训练和比赛期间监督运动员.
    • 示范体育精神,并保持适当, 对球员的职业行为, 对手, 官员, 和观众.
    • 随队参加客场比赛.

    • 三年或以上曲棍球教练经验.
    • 优秀的教学技巧和深厚的游戏知识.
    • 教学和教育的包容性方法.
    • 出色的人际交往能力和与各种各样的人(学生)一起工作的能力, 教练, 工作人员, 教师, 卫生保健提供者).

    请将简历发送至 jobs@dingoleescatch.com 在标题栏写上"曲棍球总教练.

  • 女校排球总教练

    易胜博app安卓下载 is seeking a head girls varsity volleyball coach to work approximately 20 hours per week during the fall season (from the opening of the school year through Thanksgiving break). 时间将根据练习和见面时间而有所不同.
    We are looking for candidates who demonstrate enthusiasm for coaching and who have the capacity to work with adolescent volleyball players of all abilities.

    • 监督训练,比赛(主场和客场),以及所有其他的球队活动
    • 教授正确的技术和处理比赛准备
    • 与同事合作和沟通, 在需要的时候, 与其他部门合作
    • 两年以上排球教练经验
    • 优秀的排球基础知识和沟通能力
    • CPR证书(可在聘用后获得)
    • 有效的驾驶执照
    请将求职信和简历发至 jobs@dingoleescatch.com 并在标题栏注明“排球总教练”.
  • 兼职音乐总监

    易胜博app安卓下载 is seeking a part-time music director for the school’s February 2025 musical production. 这是兼职, 向剧院总监汇报的非受益季节性职位, 10月1日开始, 2024, 并于3月1日结束, 2025.

    • 负责声乐和器乐方面的制作, including planning for and teaching all songs to the company and coaching all singing actors; preparing rehearsal tracks for all dance or movement sequences in an adequate time frame as agreed upon with the director and the choreographer; preparing rehearsal tracks for the director for incidental music, 过渡音乐和其他需要的歌曲.
    • 是现场, 和演员一起工作, 每周至少三天, 并将在整个技术过程和表演中呈现.
    • 可以亲自或通过Facetime参加每周的生产会议.
    • offer at least one pre-audition coaching session for prospective cast members and will prepare singing selections and accompany all auditions.
    • weigh in on casting decisions and will be expected to speak with authority about how different voices will work with different vocal parts.
    • 演出准备(20小时)
    • 试镜/选角(10小时)
    • 每周排练/会议(50小时)
    • 乐队排练(10小时)
    • 技术排练(40小时)
    • 服装/表演(20小时)
    请将求职信和简历发至 jobs@dingoleescatch.com 并在标题栏注明“音乐总监”.
  • 日常护理

    易胜博app安卓下载 is seeking registered nurse to work in the school’s Health Center on a per diem (as-needed) basis, 六月开始. 


    理想的候选人应具有在办公室与青少年打交道的经验, 紧急护理, 急诊室, 学校设置, 或具有其他相关护理经验.

    • 急救评估
    • 疾病和伤害的规定治疗
    • 药物管理
    • 伤检分类
    • 应急响应
    • 电子医疗文件在学校设置. 
    候选人应具有护理学士学位和当前的马萨诸塞州注册护士执照, 至少三年以上护理工作经验, 优秀的沟通能力.

    如需申请,请发送求职信和简历至 jobs@dingoleescatch.com 并在主题行中引用Per Diem RN.
  • 兼职校园安全主任

    The Buildings and Grounds Department is seeking a part-time campus safety officer to join 易胜博app安卓下载’s Safety Office Team. 这个角色没有固定的时间表, 至少一开始是这样, 每周的工作时间可能会有所不同.

    申请人必须持有有效且未受阻碍的马萨诸塞州驾驶执照, 马萨诸塞州a级枪支许可证和急救人员/心肺复苏术培训. 被选中的候选人将被要求通过聘用前的职业体检.

    Candidates will have a positive attitude with very good interpersonal skills for performing work duties among students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及校园里的客人.

    该职位要求有1-3年的学校或校园保安工作经验, 执法, 宪兵训练或狱警训练.


    如果你是一个团队合作者,并有兴趣成为一个多样化和繁忙的工作环境的一部分, 请将简历发送至 jobs@dingoleescatch.com 标题是“安全官.

  • 兼职医疗监护人

    易胜博app安卓下载 is seeking part-time medical chaperones to transport students to off-campus appointments.
    • 接送学生往返校外医疗和行为健康检查(包括, 但不限于, 波士顿和曼彻斯特, NH).
    • 有效的驾驶执照和良好的驾驶记录
    • 清洁可靠的乘用车 
    • 足够的责任和碰撞汽车保险证明
    • 保密能力
    • 对青少年问题的了解和对医疗环境的基本熟悉是有帮助的.
    请将简历发送至 jobs@dingoleescatch.com 标题是"医疗监护人.


一个男女合校的, 主要是寄宿学校,有383名学生, 易胜博app安卓下载为学生设定了最高的学术成就标准, 知识的增长, 道德意识和行为, 体育精神, 运动员的努力, 为他人服务.

学校重视领导力,我们对品格的关注是我们与众不同的一点. 我们的使命远远超出了让学生为上大学做准备, 相反,我们的目标是提供一种关注学生成长和成熟的体验. 保持传统与创新的平衡, 易胜博app安卓下载为来自不同社会背景的优秀学生提供了绝佳的机会, 地理, 少数民族, 社会经济背景, 并接受学生而不考虑其家庭支付学费的能力.
如果你申请成为易胜博app安卓下载学院的一员, you should understand that Groton believes it is essential that teachers take part in students' lives. Groton's 教师 does what the best faculties do: it builds student-teacher relationships that reach beyond the classroom and affirm and nurture the spirit while challenging the mind. Faculty members are expected to fulfill the founding vision that they take up the teaching profession as "their life's work."

一个包容的, 紧密的社区, 易胜博app安卓下载学院的教职员工致力于激发学生的个性生活, 学习, 领导, 和服务.


易胜博app安卓下载 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and seeks employees who reflect and support our mission-driven commitment to a diverse school community. The School complies with all government regulations regarding non-discriminating employment practices and, 除此之外, 提供一种氛围,确保所有人都有机会凭借自己的能力取得成功, 资格, 和能力. 易胜博app安卓下载在就业机会或实践中不基于种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 或其他受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, 包括选择, 工作任务, 补偿, 纪律, 终止, 以及获得福利和培训的机会.